Stimulate the momentum of digital economy development

Release time : 2024-06-24

According to the recently released "Digital China Development Report (2023)", the scale of China's digital economy has exceeded 55 trillion yuan, and the added value of the core industries of the digital economy will account for about 10% of GDP in 2023. Industries such as electronic information manufacturing, Internet business, telecommunications business, and software business continue to expand the scale of China's digital economy. The empowering effect of digital China is becoming increasingly prominent, and the vitality of the digital economy is surging.

Developing the digital economy is a strategic choice to seize the new opportunities of the new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial revolution. Accurately grasp the new direction and new trend of the development of the digital economy, and further strengthen, improve and expand the digital economy are crucial to the construction of a modern industrial system and the construction of new competitive advantages of the country. From the perspective of competition, in order to promote the development of the digital economy and win in the global competition, countries are competing to formulate digital economy development strategies and introduce encouraging policies. Especially in the context of the accelerated evolution and deep interaction of the "two big picture" era, the digital economy has become the forefront of the game of great powers, only by strengthening the strategic initiative and playing the "first hand chess" can we seize the commanding heights of future development. From the perspective of development trend, with the emergence of a large number of new technologies and the deepening of the degree of digital empowerment, more new fields, new Spaces and new tracks of the digital economy will be spawned on the basis of existing industries, formats and models, and these different fields and different tracks are not only expected to form greater synergy and gain effect, but also provide countries with the possibility of "overtaking" in response to external competition.

Based on the development foundation of China's digital economy and the above competitive situation and development trend, to further promote the innovation and development of the digital economy, and to make good use of the advantages of super-scale is the key, and then achieve "seeking strength with big". China has a total population of more than 1.4 billion people, nearly 1.1 billion Internet users, 184 million registered business entities, and an economic aggregate of more than 120 trillion yuan, which is the most important basic condition for the development of the digital economy in China, and the application of digital twins alone is expected to bring the same volume of digital economic development space. More importantly, whether it is the enterprise side or the resident side, or the government and the public sector, has formed and will continue to form massive data resources and rich application scenarios, which will continue to provide the most critical data elements and the internal driving force of technological innovation for the development of the digital economy, and is expected to achieve a key jump from scale advantage to technological advantage. The establishment of the National Data Bureau and the introduction of a series of guidance documents related to data elements convey a positive signal of fully releasing the "multiplier effect" of data elements at the strategic level, aiming to realize the upgrade from a large data resource country to a digital economic power.

Finally, to balance the relationship between openness and security requires that we better establish and improve the inclusive prudential regulatory framework for new areas, new Spaces and new tracks of the digital economy. To support and encourage enabling high-quality development, leading global competition as the starting point and end point, under the premise of adhering to the bottom line of safety, to give the digital economy new areas, new space and new track the necessary development time and trial and error space. We encourage and support Chinese digital economy enterprises to make good use of the two markets and two kinds of resources in accordance with the characteristics of data elements that are replicable and non-exclusive, and constantly improve their technology and business capabilities in the global competition. It is believed that as China accelerates its efforts to optimize cross-border data flow rules and participate in the formulation of international rules and standards in the digital field, it will surely inject more Chinese strength and contribute more Chinese wisdom to global digital governance.


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