Seize opportunities to foster new growth drivers for foreign trade

Release time : 2024-06-11

The Central Economic Work Conference proposed that "we should accelerate the cultivation of new growth drivers for foreign trade and consolidate the basic disks of foreign trade and foreign investment", requiring "expanding trade in intermediate goods, trade in services, digital trade, and cross-border e-commerce exports". This is an important measure for China to open wider to the outside world at a high level and effectively respond to profound and complex changes in the internal and external situation. It is also a practical move to promote innovative development of foreign trade and consolidate and expand the international market. We should deeply understand the importance and urgency of cultivating new growth drivers for foreign trade under the new circumstances, accurately grasp the current situation and tasks, upgrade trade in goods, innovate trade in services, develop digital trade, improve the structure and stabilize the scale of foreign trade, and create new advantages in international economic cooperation.

Grasp the connotation of new growth drivers

To better foster new drivers of foreign trade and promote high-quality development is the fundamental goal. We emphasize not only the expansion of foreign trade scale and market share, but also the improvement of quality, efficiency and efficiency. Technological innovation is an important prerequisite. Technological innovation includes industrial and product technological innovation, which can enhance the value content of trade objects. It is necessary to strengthen technological innovation, institutional innovation, model innovation and business innovation in the field of trade. Green digitalization is an important direction, and digital trade represented by cross-border e-commerce and digital service trade will be the long-term focus of global trade development; New forms and models are the main content. Judging from the development trend of global trade and China's foreign trade practice, intermediate goods trade, service trade, digital trade and cross-border e-commerce are the main fields to cultivate new growth drivers for foreign trade development in the future. Institutional innovation is an important support, and to cultivate new drivers of foreign trade, we need to promote institutional innovation and management innovation in foreign trade, and provide a long-term stable, free and convenient, inclusive and prudent development environment.

Identify key tasks and key levers

We will accelerate the development of new driving forces for digital trade reform and innovation. With cross-border e-commerce as the guide, we will continue to promote the digital and intelligent transformation of trade marketing, trade facilities, trade documents, trade settlement and other aspects. Focusing on the export of new digital services, we will accelerate the promotion of digital technology-driven trade in software and information services, artificial intelligence, and big data. We will consolidate the foundation for the development of digital trade and accelerate the establishment of a personnel education and training system that ADAPTS to the development of digital trade and trade digitalization. We will accelerate the establishment of a digital trade standards system to provide support for digital trade enterprises to expand the international market and align with high-standard international economic and trade rules.


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