Opening a "golden Age" of digital trade

Release time : 2024-06-03

Digital trade connects the world and builds a new mechanism for consultation and cooperation. With the rapid development of digital technology, digital trade is more prominent under the pressure of global trade growth, and the digital economy is profoundly changing people's production and life style. At present, global digital trade is booming and has become a new highlight of international trade. At the same time, the debate over digital trade rules is intensifying. Digital trade is connected to the whole world through consultation and cooperation. Only by breaking the "rule deficit" contradiction can we truly usher in the "golden age" of digital trade.

Digital trade connects the world and strengthens the new engine of development. Digital economy is essentially an economic form driven by digital productivity, and digital technology is ubiquitous in all walks of life. According to the statistics of the World Trade Organization, in 2022, the global export of digital delivery services reached 4.1 trillion US dollars, an increase of 3.4%, accounting for 57.1% of global service exports. Digital trade is different from traditional trade in goods and services, but mostly takes the form of digital delivery or digital ordering. Digital trade is an important pillar of building a powerful trade country, and it is of great significance to accelerate the agglomeration of resource factors and deepen the reform of production organization. From the form of expression, the integration and evolution of the digital economy and the real economy has become an important trend in the development of modern industries. Standing at a new starting point, digital trade has promising prospects for development and great potential for release. It is necessary to actively adapt to the trend of technological development and change, make full use of the overlapping advantages of digital trade, continue to explore the application scenarios of the digital economy, and promote the transformation of digital trade into a new engine for development.

Digital camel bell, sound everywhere. On a new journey in the new era, we must seize opportunities, look ahead to the layout, join hands with the global circle of friends, deepen cooperation and exchanges, try first, let the flowers of digital trade bloom fully, stimulate economic development with digital, expand open space with trade, gather more new technologies, new products, new services and new scenarios, and jointly open the "golden age" of digital trade.


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