What is the metaverse

Release time : 2023-12-18

The origin and concept of the meta-universe

In short, what is the metaverse? The metaverse is where everything and everyone in the real world is digitally projected onto a cloud world, and you can do everything in this world that you can do in the real world. For example, on the above to eat with family and friends shopping, with virtual social software communication, brush the virtual Amazon store shopping. The concept of a meta-universe: a 3D virtual space with convergence and physical persistence characteristics through virtual augmented physical reality, based on the future Internet, with link perception and sharing characteristics. Hence the "universe" in the metaverse.

Second, from cognition to landing

Driven by digital technology, AR/VR and Internet of Things technology, the meta-universe will continue to maintain a rapid growth in the future, and Pricewaterhousecoopers predicts that the market size of the meta-universe will reach 1.5 trillion US dollars by 2030.

3. Application fields

The metaverse contains many application possibilities. The ideal meta-universe allows users to have any experience or activity, or to solve almost any of their needs, so in an ideal state, the meta-universe can be applied to anything. In the commercial sector, Metacomes can be used as virtual office platforms, where users can collaborate virtually in a 3D environment that simulates an office environment. In the field of education, the meta-universe can be used for fieldwork anywhere and at any point in history. In real estate, the metaverse can be used for virtual house Tours.

The future of the meta-universe

As new projects and platforms are created, new opportunities will arise. To participate and contribute to the online community requires a platform. For most people, though, it's as simple as having an electronic wallet and buying currency.


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