Since 2003, Silica Materials Ltd. has been designing and building equipment for the collection and densification of microsilica and distributing it.
the collected and densified equipment and distribute the collected microsilica in the domestic market.
The collected microsilica is sold in the domestic market.
Silica Materials has a ferrosilicon plant that produces approximately 2,000 tons per month of G85
Producing approximately 2,000 tons of G85 per month
Silicon Materials also works with one of the largest ferrosilicon plants
contracted to design, build and maintain the collection and concentration
equipment. We have the exclusive right to distribute the micro-silica collected by our own equipment.
Exclusive distribution of the microsilica collected by our own equipment has a capacity of 5,000 tons of G85 per month.
Therefore, our total supply capacity is approximately 7,000 tons per month.